Combined Science, known to students as "Com Sci", was a required course for non-science majors at Occidental. In today's world, Com Sci would be renamed: "Science for Dummies". If you wanted to avoid taking advanced math, physics, chemistry, marine biology, or geology; you had to take Com Sci in order to graduate. Not a bad deal actually as there was an implied agreement that the Com Sci instructors were going to go easy on us schmucks. The Com Sci classes drew about 150 students instead of 400, as was the case with the other required class - history of civilization. The instructors were drawn from the science department faculty and didn't seem to mind covering the basic fundamentals in their respective specialties. I would usually sit with a handful of guys that I was just getting to know. In high school, I had a few friends but I was an outsider with no social activities or groups that were of any interest to me. I was fin...