Burning Man I
What began as a Fellini film on steroids suddenly became a Dino de Laurentiis disaster epic. Michael and Maria brought Munson and me to Burning Man in 2008. When the idea was first proposed, Munson and I had some concerns. Neither of us like to be around strangers, let alone 50,000 of them. Forty years earlier, we might have considered camping, but it sure as hell wouldn't have been on a dry lake bed in the middle of the Nevada desert. Lastly, even though it was decades ago, I can still recall promising myself that I had seen the inside of my last port-a-potty. Despite our misgivings, we agreed to go. Michael knew us both very well and his pitch was simply, "Trust me, of all the people on this planet, the 2 of you do not want to go to your graves without seeing this". Michael turned out to be right. Maybe I've seen less in my lifetime than others have; but for me, Burning Man was easily the most incredible man-...