Return to Aldama

Another January and there I was, once again queued up on the sidewalk in front of Aldama Elementary, vying for a kindergarten spot for my grandson. A year ago I arrived 19 hours prior to registration, this year it was 22 hours but I split the time with my son Michael. As difficult as it may be to describe the set of circumstances that could bring anyone to do such a thing once, let alone twice, I’m going to take a crack at it nonetheless. Over several decades the combined efforts of the LAUSD and the UTLA have driven the parents of hundreds of thousands of kids to desperation. Parents have turned their backs on a free but inferior public school in their own neighborhood to find an alternative that offers some hope for their children’s education. The rush to secure a spot at a private, charter or out-of-area school, has parents participating in lotteries, camping out prior to registration, and if successful, possibly adding up to 10 ...