Chopra, Rhymes With Oprah

I was caught off guard the other day - Deepak Chopra sells vitamins? The Chopra Market website that offers his 80 books also hawks an endless list of vitamins, colonics, massage oils, herbal teas and more. How does his uncompromising message “You are what you think”, square up with a need for external supplements? Evidently few others find this puzzling. Paul Offit, in his book Do You Believe in Magic? , states that Chopra’s business grosses over $20 million a year. Chopra has accumulated immense wealth tapping into two unregulated industries (vitamins/supplements and self improvement) that together generate sales of $50 billion a year in the USA . Chopra can thank Oprah for most of this. After his first appearance on her show in 1993, his book Ageless Body, Timeless Mind sold 130,000 copies the following day. Evidently the guests on Oprah’s show are either not vetted or the findings are ignored....