God's Country

It unnerves me every time I see our neighbor’s late model over-sized SUV. It is a sobering reminder that the technological advances of civilization have far outpaced any progress made by the soul of mankind. Despite the outward polished appearance of the modern material world, when it comes to human nature, there is some menacing stuff lurking below the surface. In the deep south, monster trucks brandish confederate flags; in Simi Valley , SUVs flaunt irreconcilable messages on their rear windows and bumpers. Our neighbor's SUV is merely one of countless vehicles you’ll find in Simi Valley sporting a disturbing collection of statements. This SUV troubles me the most because the owners live across the street. On the back of theIir car are two stickers. Taken individually neither of these is as extreme as some others that I've seen but it is the combination of the two on the rear end of the same car that I find particularly chilling. ...