Eye of the Needle

A crowd surrounded a terrified woman kneeling on the ground. A Hebrew man stepped forward holding a stone and addressed the gathering, “let him among you without sin cast the first stone.” A tall man in the crowd took the rock from the Hebrew, hurled it at the woman, striking her in the head and killing her. The tall man’s friend berated him, “Damn it Harry, he said without sin.” With a puzzled expression the tall man said, “That’s not what I heard.” The friend continued, “It’s not all your fault. This Hebrew has a real problem with just coming right out and saying what’s on his mind. I’ve told him countless times that the use of passive voice, analogies and parables are not effective ways of communicating with illiterate nomads but he never takes advice from anyone.” Harry said, “He should speak plainly when a life hangs in the balance.” His friend answered, “Of course he should, but try telling him that. It will fall on deaf ears...