Brownsville, Texas

A potentially significant scientific breakthrough took place less than three feet in front of me but I never realized it at the time. I was sitting on the toilet watching a handful of ants travel back and forth via a ten-foot-long path that I’d seen them use often during the summer. They entered the bathroom by way of a window, crossed over to the shower, proceeded down the side of the shower door and then traversed westward along the edge of the bathtub before disappearing into the faucet. Photo by Alex Wild I assumed at the time that the ants were out to retrieve water from the faucet. I later learned a nts have a separate stomach which they can use to transport water back to their nest which accounted for the two-way traffic on the path. As I watched the traffic, certain patterns of behavior became clear. When an east-bound ant, heading back to the nest, encountered a west-bound ant, there were two things that took place more than 95% of the...