The Pros

I watched the young couple walking along the quiet side street with their five-year-old daughter. They were traveling south away from Colorado Blvd and using the sidewalk that surrounds the Eagle Rock Plaza ’s parking area. When they reached the driveway that serves as an exit from the east end of the lot, they took up their positions. The woman sat down on the cement to one side of the driveway and the little girl sat on the woman’s lap. The man stood over them holding a cardboard sign on which was a message scrawled in large letters. As shoppers left the parking lot, before they could turn onto the side street, they would have to bring their car to a complete stop when they reached the end of the driveway. There they were greeted by the smiling trio, all of whom made eye contact with the car’s occupants while they waved like the Grand Marshall at the Rose Parade. The man held the sign against his chest and would actually pivot as cars...