The spring sign-up for kindergarten was at 8 a.m. and I was determined to be the first person in line. The previous year the line began to form on the day before at 4 p.m. Figuring it would be best to shave a little off of last year's mark; I showed up with my lawn chair a day early at noon and was the only person there. I had been recruited by Maria, daughter-in-law, to hold a place in line so my grandson would have a kindergarten to attend come winter. However, as I was to discover later, being first in line doesn't guarantee a spot in the school. Assuming there are any openings, the selection process involves a weighted scoring methodology for each applicant that in addition to your place in line takes into account many other factors – gender, ethnicity, location of residence, gang membership(s), arrest record, family income, etc. I sat in my lawn chair wondering why the Old Testament, other than one male and one female, makes no mention of the...