
Usually I am merely annoyed when all forms of communication are completely overrun by a word or phrase. “Raise the bar” was a phrase that had been around ever since I can remember but rarely used until for some unknown reason during the years 2000 to 2010, you couldn’t find a single essay, editorial, political speech or news commentary that omitted this phrase. It was relentless. Raise the bar’s best days are behind it now and the new overused omnipresent term is “transparent”. The word is used today by seemingly everyone to indicate that things are, or will be, open and above board. I am as usual annoyed by the mindless excessive reliance on this word, but in addition I am also disgusted by the fact that the manner in which this word is now used has nothing to do with what the word means. When it comes to a word or phrase being overworked the reigning champion is “awesome”. It doesn’t look as though any of us will live to see this word becom...