Having done my first ever drawings with colored pencils, it seemed like a good idea to check out youtube for some helpful tips. The instructional videos I sat through pretty much all said the same thing - everything I’m doing is outright sinful. Not only am I using the wrong paper and the wrong pencils, my whole approach violates every aspect of what is considered proper technique. Frankly, I wasn’t paying that much attention to it and evidently my natural instincts have betrayed me. I do not hold the pencil correctly which is compounded by the fact that I apply an inappropriate amount of pressure. In addition to failing to keep my pencils sharpened (zacapunta es necessario), I use too few layers, my strokes are all wrong and I am in too much of a hurry. In an instructional video narrated by Cassandra Hanley, she indicates that one should expect to spend one-to-two weeks on a drawing depending on the size. Up to now, my approach has been two or thre...