Tail Spin
In the late 1960s, I flew round trip to San Francisco every week day. I took the first PSA morning flight from Burbank to San Francisco and flew back in the late afternoon. Every day I enjoyed a fully-paid, 5-hour layover in North Beach. There was a pickup truck waiting for me when I landed at San Francisco that I would use to make my morning delivery to a downtown bank and proceed to the company yard a block away from Fisherman's Wharf. Fred Cook ran the yard and supervised about 40 delivery drivers. Fred was a big burly guy who could be pretty intimidating. His claim to fame was having driven an 18 wheeler full of cattle to safety through the worst blizzard in Montana's history. On my first day as a courier, Fred was waiting for me when I got off the plane. He showed me where the pickup was and the route I would drive everyday to the bank, through China Town and ending at the yard. With Fred at the wheel, th...