
On 9 / 11 , Jay was living in an RV in a CVS parking lot in NE LA . He finished his 4 morning S ’s (shit, shave, shower and shine) when the first AM rad io reports came in over KNX 1070 . He listened for a while until 10:00 AM when it was time to go to work. He locked up the RV and walked 4 blocks on N . Figueroa past Avenue 56 where Jay tended bar at a dive called Mr. T 's. On any other day he might not have bothered to look up at all but to day his eye s were fixed on a cloudless sky which see med unnaturall y emp ty . Jay found himself searching o verhead for aircraft and realized the daily perpetual lineup of SST s heading in t o LAX had vanished. Jay had not served in the military and never i magined he would ever see the sky as a potential source of danger. Mr. T 's interior was a de pressing eighty -year old ex -bowling all ey , windowless and strewn with wreckage and made the original Barney's Beanery look l...