Eve to Adam, "That'll be 4 Bucks"

Image from delucainsight.com I asked the woman ringing up my groceries, “How can that be?” Normally I pay no attention to the check stand that displays what you owe for the items as they cross the scanner. However this morning I did catch out of the corner of one eye the figure $15.37. This seemed odd because I was certain I hadn’t picked out anything that would cost that much. I looked down to see the woman lowering into a bag the six apples I had picked out. She said, “What?” I said, “Those are apples not tri-tip.” She said, “Yes dear, but those are Honeycrisp apples, $3.96 a pound.” I said, “Do they come with a prize inside?” When I had left the house to go to the market I had been instructed on my way out the door to: “get some fruit. Remember, I like those Honeycrisp apples.” After I paid for my groceries I walked back to the produce section and discovered that the Honeycrisp apples not only cost more that the tri-tip (on specia...