Don't make the mistake of thinking that providing a viewing guide to this series implies that I recommend it. Rather, consider it a public service intended to mitigate the overwhelming despair that awaits the casual viewer. Hidden is a BBC production set in Wales featuring a Welsh-speaking cast available on various streaming outlets. The 20-episode series follows small town, crime-fighting cops Cadi John and Owen Vaughn (pictured above) in what begins as a who done it? but soon becomes a why am I watching this? Excepting sadomasochists, there's little chance anyone who settles in to view this will make it past the first 10 minutes. For those that had the good sense to call it quits, here's what you missed. It turns out Wales is a country attached to the lower left-hand flank of England and small enough to fit inside Cher's basement. Hidden depicts the land, the weather and the people that live there as catastrophically morose an...