
Carey went through a spectacular rough patch during the early 1970s. He had quit hauling water for Sparklettes and did some world-class thrashing around while trying to settle into something new. Among a series of false starts was an attempt to break into the movies. He had gone to the trouble to have head shots done and was sent out to a location where they were filming an action drama with cowboys and Indians . They had checked with him regarding his horsemanship and he had told them he’d been riding since the age of five. However, Carey neglected to mention that (1) it was on one of those medicated Griffith Park ponies that walk slowly in a circle with a toddler on board; and (2), that the nearest he had been to any horse since then was sitting in the grandstands at Santa Anita. The scene called for him to take his mount down a hill, then across a short level stretch before galloping down the main street of a 1880s Dodge City facsimile....