I was watching Wonder Boys on Hulu the other day and came to the part where the talented but troubled character James Leer reels off in alphabetical order the names, dates and methods employed by 15 Hollywood stars that took their own lives. In with Pier Angeli, Charles Boyer, George Reeves (Superman), George Sanders, Jean Seberg and Gig Young was Dorothy Dandridge which for some unknown reason sparked my curiosity. Googling revealed that she had starred in Carmen a 1954 film that I saw at the Eagle Theater when I was 9 years old. I suppose it's possible that some part of my brain had stored away Dorothy's name for 70 years and was the reason it piqued my interest. How else could one explain my chasing her down instead of Albert Dekker who hung himself with his suicide note written in lipstick on his stomach? Dorothy Dandridge and Harry Belafonte Dorothy's single mom was an entertainer and started Dorothy and her sister in the business performing a song and dance act...