
Showing posts from July 12, 2015

Dogs Playing Poker

The only thing larger than the eyes she paints are the size of the balls she must have to charge money for her paintings.  I spotted Woman with Chihuahua going for $29,000 earlier today on eBay.  If there's any question regarding her artistic talent, one need only look at the family portrait commissioned by Jerry Lewis back in the 1960s.  The work must have taken immense patience and displays Jerry with his wife, their three cats, four dogs and five sons resplendent in harlequin gear.  It's oil on canvass, although I'm sure there was serious consideration given at some point to black velvet. I am speaking of course about Margaret Keane who was the subject of the latest cinematic triumph "based on a true story" entitled Big Eyes by Tim Burton.  Margaret and her husband Water began their visual assault on the general public in the 1960s by flooding supermarkets, department stores and greeting card racks with cheap reproduced portraits of bi...

Behaviour Modification

Heger spent some pre-dawn hours that morning trying to coax the bird down from the palm tree.  He stood in the front yard with one arm raised above his head, offering an index finger as a perch.  The bird was a black Myna given to Heger a week earlier by his girl friend Geraldine.  The Myna supposedly had a large vocabulary but other than some occasional squawks, it had yet to utter a single word.  Heger had named it Joe and during that first week had tried to get the bird to say something.  Speaking in a ridiculous sing-song meter, Heger had repeated the phrase "Hello Joe" several million times to no avail.  One afternoon the bird got loose, made its way out side and settled in the palm tree.  Heger initially figured the bird was long gone but around three in the morning he could hear some squawks that he thought sounded familiar.  All of which led to Heger being stationed in the front of the house like the statue of liberty and...