Last night I went to a fundraiser in Pasadena put on by a non-profit meals on wheels organization. Yes, you read that correctly. What the hell would a borderline primate such as myself be doing at this type of affair? For me, social situations have always been limited to 2 or 3 times a decade when Michael drags me along with him to an event held in the desert or an industrial park, where a horde of unconventional characters exhibit bizarre substance-induced behavior. I quite enjoy these outings since I am completely inconspicuous in the wake of the outrageous goings on. Even if I do make a fool of myself there's little chance that anyone, including myself will be able to recall much of what went on the following day. Last night's fundraiser brought together roughly 80-90 elder care physicians and administrators into a compact interior courtyard where wine, cheese and soft live music was provided. A classic combination of factors that would ordina...