Three Movie Ideas to Pitch to Hollywood
A recent immigrant to the US leases cheap land on which to park cars (right off the runway) next to the LAX, San Diego, San Francisco and Oakland airports.He launches a rental car business with no cars using the web and other social media. He relies on the goodness in people to volunteer their own vehicles - example: Man going to Oakland for 3 days drops off his VW at LAX;. 2nd man going to LA for 3 days drops off his Dodge mini van in Oakland. They both take off, land, use each other's cars, return the cars, return back to their respective starting points, and drive their own car home. Everything operates on the honor system and customers have to sign a liability waiver to protect the company. Business surges as countless people are willing to try it once just so they have a story to tell their friends. Then things start falling apart - cars go missing, others are returned fully engulfed in flames; another is driven off the edge of the grand canyon; many others are used as bank robbery get away cars; legal suits mount.........
The United Nations launches a plan to guarantee world peace. Everyone in the world is identified as an individual or a family unit (the choice is theirs); a single digital file is created and stored for each individual or family unit that also indicates their residence and employment; Everyone has a file - nurses policemen, the homeless, presidents, senators, generals, surgeons, except airline pilots - explanation to follow. Once every 18 months, there is a random matching of single individuals to other single individuals and they have to trade places. The same exchange takes place randomly for family units. In a period of one week a 27 year old bachelor living in Boise Idaho and working as a fry cook in a mom and pop restaurant finds himself trading places with a Buddhist priest in Thailand who oversees among other things a meals on wheels operation. Everyone on the planet trades places randomly every 18 months. The exception being airline pilots as they are needed to move people from continent to continent. True, some inconveniences occur, but world peace becomes a reality since no one is in place long enough to garner massive power/wealth; nor are they motivated to do so as it all disappears every 18 months anyway; with the repeated random shuffling of people, after several decades, a single universal language begins to evolve.